medical uses of drugs


The sun finally rises…

Posted by on Dec 17, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on The sun finally rises…

Alright, I know that’s a weird blog title to use as we begin some serious winter here in New England, but it’s a metaphor! For several things, as it turns out. First, this is the first post on this blog since tumbleweeds started rolling in, over three years ago! My plan is to continue to contribute regular weekly posts on Dream Factory tips, tricks, guidance, and news for the duration. We’ll see how that goes, but that is my current intent. Second, the sun is also rising on the next version of DF. Back in May...


Second Edition *almost* the last edition of DF – but not quite

Posted by on May 20, 2013 in News | Comments Off on Second Edition *almost* the last edition of DF – but not quite

“Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.” I was entirely prepared to leave well enough alone with Dream Factory Second Edition. And then I saw a typo. Then I saw a grammar error. And then another typo. Grrr… I want this to be the final edition of the game. I think the DF2 mechanics work so well that it’s hard for me to imagine any changes to them. And yet, how can I call DF2 finished and complete when it still has so many typographical errors in it, despite our previous...


CarnageCon, here we come!

Posted by on Oct 22, 2012 in News | Comments Off on CarnageCon, here we come!

News alert! Dream Factory debut at CarnageCon! Mark your Calendars, because November 3rd is the day that the new Second Edition of Dream Factory is debuting in Fairlee, VT at Carnagecon! After a year of revision and polish, play-testing and editing, the day has come – and this version is the best yet, possibly the ultimate version of this game. The author will be there running DF as well as handing out copies for a debut sale of ten bucks each, so be there!


Dream Factory, Second Edition

Posted by on Oct 22, 2012 in Promotions | Comments Off on Dream Factory, Second Edition

Dream Factory is everything you and your friends need to tell a story but nothing to get in your way. An easy and rules-light system that nevertheless preserves drama and creativity. No complex tables or formulas, just pen, paper, and normal six-sided dice. Some of the unique features include: Safeties: that keep the story from crossing pre-arranged boundaries. Lynchpins: that incentivize specific story mood and feeling. Quandaries: the main challenge facing each player’s hero. To learn more about this game, see a free...



Posted by on Sep 13, 2012 in News | Comments Off on Daylight

Well, my choices are paying off.  The first pass rewrite is complete, and the second pass editing is almost complete.  As far as the writing and editing of Dream Factory, Second Edition, I would say I am at least ninety percent there. Of course, even after that’s done, there’s all the art and publishing to handle, that that is a lot less…  tiring to do. With a little luck and a lot of Hard Work(tm), DF2 seems to be on its way.  And for the record, it is my current intent at that time to resume regular blog...
